Wells are, well, cool. Wells help to call out content and make aspects of a page stand out. Don't overuse them even though they are so nice. There are three types of wells: default, large and small.
Use the class well on the container div.
Default Well
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs bacon pork chop beef. Chuck frankfurter drumstick, boudin pancetta cupim doner. Meatloaf jowl short ribs shankle rump prosciutto ball tip t-bone tail beef chuck. Pancetta pig pork loin drumstick beef picanha kevin salami meatball kielbasa pastrami landjaeger short ribs. Pastrami tongue filet mignon jerky doner chicken chuck pork chop biltong corned beef sausage pork belly.
Go Somewhere!Large Well (with a blockquote)
Add the class well as well as well-lg to the container div.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs bacon pork chop beef. Chuck frankfurter drumstick, boudin pancetta cupim doner.Go Somewhere!
Small Well
Add the class well as well as well-sm to the container div.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet short ribs bacon pork chop beef. Chuck frankfurter drumstick, boudin pancetta cupim doner. Meatloaf jowl short ribs shankle rump prosciutto ball tip t-bone tail beef chuck. Pancetta pig pork loin drumstick beef picanha kevin salami meatball kielbasa pastrami landjaeger short ribs. Pastrami tongue filet mignon jerky doner chicken chuck pork chop biltong corned beef sausage pork belly.
Go Somewhere!